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Couples Counseling

Couples, like individuals, come in every shape and variety. There is no “one size fits all” approach to working through difficulties but the main priority for all of the couples we see is the same: a healthy relationship and most can benefit from the couples counseling All couples have struggles from time to time, and people seek out help for a wide range of reasons. Enso Counseling takes great care in approaching your needs in a flexible, compassionate and effective manner and can provide couples counseling statewide.

How Does Couples Counseling Help?

All of us approach problems with our own set of assumptions, fears, biases and needs. Sometimes these give us a filter through which we hear and respond to tension or conflict. Couples counseling helps us become more aware and respond more openly and accurately to the issues that come up in our relationships. Having a trained third party at the table can be one of the most effective ways to overcome difficult topics in a safe, empathic and supportive environment. By scheduling time out of your busy week to focus on improving your relationship, it is given greater priority in your day-to-day awareness. In many ways, simply deciding to work on the relationship through couples counseling in a structured way is a big part of what helps things change. For many couples, counseling provides an opportunity to refocus on the task at hand and resolve to do it better for another week.

Couples Counseling Provides Tools

The goal for most couples is not to eliminate conflict, but rather to develop healthy ways of responding to conflict and achieving a good outcome to conflict. In the right context, conflict can be a healthy component of a couples’ growth. Couples counseling offers a broad range of tools to help you effectively communicate, manage difficult emotions and engage in dialogue with one another that is more likely to lead to understanding. We know that couples want to feel better from couples counseling as soon as possible, so we work hard to provide effective tools that you can begin to implement during your initial visits. As part of your work in couples counseling, you’ll learn to express your ideas and emotions more effectively, as well as how to listen in a more active and accurate manner. You’ll learn practical tools to help increase the positive attributes of your relationship, and to begin to improve your routine interactions, as well as improve the manner in which you approach conflict.